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Acrobat Reader (.pdf) Files

The Install Doctor uses Adobe Software's FREE Acrobat Reader software to display the majority of our information on your computer.

Documents labeled with the logo are Acrobat Reader documents.

Before you can view an Acrobat Reader document, you must first have the Acrobat Reader software installed onto your computer. Once the software is installed, double clicking any Acrobat Reader document should automatically open Acrobat Reader and display the document.

Do you have problems with Acrobat Reader? Click the HELP tab at the top of the screen.....

Installing and Setting Up Acrobat Reader:

A) Do you already have Acrobat Reader installed onto your computer?

-> If you are not sure, click the "View Test Page" button to the right. If Acrobat Reader is already installed and running properly, you will see an Install Doctor Acrobat Reader test page.

-> If you do not have Acrobat Reader installed, you will need to download the free software from Adobes website. Once the software is downloaded, you will need to double click the file that was downloaded and Acrobat Reader will install itself.

B) Downloading Acrobat Reader

-> Before you download Acrobat Reader, you will want to create a folder on your computer you will download Acrobat Reader into. This will also allow you to know the exact folder Acrobat Reader is installed into. Adobe recommends that Acrobat Reader be installed into the main directory or your hard drive so that Acrobat Reader can be launched when a document is double clicked.

Step 1: Create a folder on you hard drive called "Adobe" if you do not already have one.

Step 2: Go to Adobe Softwares website and fill out the required information. When you start the download, choose to download the file into the "Adobe" folder you just created.

Step 3: When the download is complete, open the "Adobe" folder and double click the file just downloaded. The file should automatically install itself.

Step 4: Once Acrobat Reader is installed, you need to test out the software to see if it is properly installed. You can either try to double click the (.pdf) files included with the Acrobat Reader download, or you can click the "View Test Page" button to the right.

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