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The Install Doctor offers a wide range of Business to Business and Business to Consumer services to business who sign up for The Install Doctors Partners Program.

These services extend the marketing and support for all businesses, whether that business is a local retailer, a manufacturer, or an industry organization.

The Install Doctor was established as a community and reference source for all members of the mobile electronics and 12 volt community. Businesses can value by The Install Doctors wide range of services and support programs while the end consumer can value by gaining extensive installation assistance as well as the benefits of having access to the services offered by businesses who have registered in The Install Doctors Partners Program.

Business To Business (B2B) Services: The Install Doctor offers a wide and varying selection of services to Businesses. These services are designed to extend the range of registered businesses to allow them to grow by using The Install Doctor as a neutral and/or independent platform. Businesses can use The Install Doctor to gather and transmit important information through internet and fax on demand services, offload services to free up internal personnel, as well as gain access to The Install Doctors database of registered members and end consumers. Whether traditional advertising or advanced internet/fax services, The Install Doctor offers businesses simple and cost effective B2B solutions. (a full list of B2B services and programs can be obtained by contacting The Install Doctor)

Business To Consumer (B2C) Services: The Install Doctor offers registered businesses real time exposure of their products and services to the end consumer. Used in conjunction with your companies present marketing and support strategies and services or as a stand alone platform, registered business can tap into The Install Doctors large end consumer audience which is specifically looking for mobile electronics products and services. This audience to The Install Doctors website is the same end consumer to the manufacturer and local retailer. This allows The Install Doctor to be used as a platform for which business can gather data, present data and up to date information/ announcements, as well as traditional advertising.

For additional information on The Install Doctors Partners Program and B2B / B2C services, please contact The Install Doctor:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (888) 357-1576

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