Our server has determined you are using an older browser that does NOT support many of the new features used throughout this website. The Install Doctor uses HTML features that are available with newer releases of browsers that are version 4 and version 5. You are advised to upgrade to either Internet Explorer 4 or 5, or Netscape 4 or 5 so you can take advantage of the features of this website as well as other websites. The Install Doctor has modified certain pages to be used with older browsers. However, not all pages have been modified and The Install Doctor will not support older browsers beyond the pages that have been modified. If you continue to use this website, you will probably encounter errors on the pages that have not been modified. To upgrade, you will need to download the current browser by contacting your Internet Provider, or by visiting the websites for Microsoft ( or Netscape ( and download the current version.

Part of The Install Doctors Partners Program, businesses can choose several advertising methods:

Traditional Banner Ads: Traditional banner ads can be used to display your advertisement and can be set up as a jump link to a website of your choice, or jump to a companion full page display that can be customized to your companies specifications. The Install Doctor has two methods to place banner ads.

Click thru: an advertisers banner can be set up as a standard click thru and the advertiser pays for a set amount of impressions.
Monthly display: this option is for advertisers who are looking for fixed monthly exposure to their ad.
Page and Bulletin Board Sponsorships: Sponsoring a page such as our bulletin board gives you guaranteed exposure of your full size banner. Sponsorship banners can be set up as either a non-linking banner display or a click thru jump link.

Interactive Services: Be proactive - Not reactive. Call The Install Doctor for details.

Nontraditional, Web Enabled Ads: Unlike print based advertisements that are static, web based animations, video, and audio can be set up by The Install Doctor to deliver real time and dynamic advertisement and announcements to viewers of The Install Doctors website.

For additional information on advertising options and packages, please contact an Install Doctor sales representative:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (888) 357-1576

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